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Future directions in HIV therapy- Podcast

less than 1 minute read


I did a podcast with “Talking Science”, an Israeli science podcast by @MadaGadol. Listen in to learn about HIV, the importance of developing new drugs for HIV, and future directions in HIV therapy.

Postdociot- The Beginning

1 minute read


Lately, while working from home during the Shelter-in-Place order in California, I wanted to meet new people. With new virtual apps for meetings, I saw how we can connect with scientists around the world from the comfort of home. And with some of the conferences not having a great gender balance, I felt that I want to meet more female postdocs and hear more about their cool science. Women benefit from female led networks, but especially now as we are socially distancing, it can be hard to form new connections. So, I thought maybe I can start small, and create a network between all the female postdocs that I know. I chose the word postdociot, which is the Hebrew word for female postdocs. Join us to meet and network with other postdocs that are also women. Follow @Postdociot on twitter.

Bay Area cryoEM meeting 2020

1 minute read


Back in February, I attended the The 2020 Bay Area cryoEM meeting. The meeting covered everything from cryoEM sample prep to analysis and modeling. The conference also featured some of the new exciting structures solved by the bay area labs. The meeting took place back when we could have in person gatherings, and was hosted by Gatan in Dublin. I got to see old friends and it was really nice to match a face to the names I know from scientific papers. I even caught a ride with new friends, there and back! Here are a few highlights from the meeting I put together for you.

CSH Retroviruses

1 minute read


This week I attended the virtual CSH Retroviruses virtual meeting. The meeting covers the retrovirus lifecycle, starting from viral cell entry to release. The meeting was great, and here are a few highlights I put together for you.

CROI- virtual HIV conference

3 minute read


In the begining of March I attended the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections also known as CROI 2020. It was fantastic! I loved watching it through the virtual platform from my home at San Francisco, due to the covid19 pandemic. All of the lectures are online now, and here are a few lectures that I think you should check out!

My Stay-at-Home Garden

less than 1 minute read


I love to lie on the grass outside, especially when its sunny. But since Stay-at-Home was issued, I wanted to bring some of the green into my home. I wanted something easy and sustainable, without ordering anything new, so I decided to grow my garden from food scraps. I made a quick “how to” grow your own shelter at home garden.



