CROI- virtual HIV conference
In the begining of March I attended the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections also known as CROI 2020. It was fantastic! I loved watching it through the virtual platform from my home at San Francisco, due to the covid19 pandemic. All of the lectures are online now, and here are a few lectures that I think you should check out!
List of recomended lectures and links:
- Great overview of the conference by the program committee at the Workshop W-01!
- Wesley I. Sundquist introcudeces advances in molecular virology.
- Hermione Lyall highlights issues in meternal, infant, and child helath.
- Susan P. Buchbinar reviews advances in HIV prevention.
- Outstanding talks at the planery sessions.
- Eileen P. Scully talks about sex differences in HIV at the March 10th morning session. Including sex diferrences in responce to vaccines, and lower viral loads HIV in women.
- Steffanie A. Strathdee talks about preventing HIV among people who use inject drugs at the March 10th morning session. @chngin_the_wrld
- Michael Emerman talks about viral evolution of HIV and innate immunity at the March 8th evening session. @memerman
- Sharon R. Lewin talks about HIV cure from bench to bedside at the March 9th morning session.
- Janet M. Siliciano explains concepts in reservoir measurments at the March 8th W02 workshop
- Mary F. Kearney reveals how to chart genome-wide integration at the March 8th W02 workshop. @DrMFKearney
- Eileen P. Scully talks about sex differences in HIV at the March 10th morning session. Including sex diferrences in responce to vaccines, and lower viral loads HIV in women.
- History repeating itself: sexually transmitted infections in women and infants at the March 9th afternoon session.
- Malanie Taylor tells us about stillbirth caused by Syphilis and prevention by penicillin. Including the alarming world shorteges of penicillin!
- Nicola Low explains about Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea in pregnancy. @nicolamlow
- Yusuke Shimakawa reviews mother-to-child transmition and can it be eliminated?
- Anna Wald introduces a sorely needed prespectived on herpes simplex virus (HSV) and about stigma.
- Understanding and preventing HIV replication at the March 9th oral posters session.
- Amanda E. Ward (Tamm lab), reveals fusion-pore dialarion steps and SERINC3/5 perturbation of HIV membrane post hemofusion (#21 LB).
- Ryan Burdick (Pathak lab), reveals that nuclear uncoating of HIV-1 occures near sites of integration (#23).
- Devin E Christensen (Sundquist lab) recontitues HIV-1 capsid dependent replication and integration in vitro (#24 LB).
- More about molecular virology at the March 9th oral posters session 2.
- Alice Dushon (Hu Lab) explores the requierment for HIV-1 genome packaging (#168).
- Mohamed Husen Munshi (Pathak lab) explains about HIV-1 capsid-nuclear envelope intecations and nuclear import (#165).
- HIV Prevention in 2020: Agents, Options, and OutcomesList item three at the March 10th oral abstructs session. This session is a must-listen-to, and reviews PostExposure Prophylaxis (PEP) and PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).
- Review of BIC/FTC/TAF, TAF/EVG, and Islatravir PEP.
- Reveal of 96 week results of HIV PrEP comparison between F/TAF and F/TDF.
- Introduction of tenofovir urine test.
- Review of PEPFAR DREAMS intervention among young women in Uganda.
- Development of vaginal PEP inserts of TAF/EVG.
- Development of MB66 anti-HIV and anti-HS antibody vaginal film.
- Revealing how initiating PrEP during acute HIV infection changes the risk for developing drug resistance?
- COVID19 session at the March 10th lunch session is fantastic, with talks about the pandemic from the NIAID, the CDC and the Chinese CDC. Tune in to the talk by Ralph Baric to learn more about the coronavirus virology. @bariclab
- Antiretroviral (ART) therapy future March 11th afternoon session. This is a great session adressing the need of novel ART agents, the special need of pediatric care, and metabolic complications.
- Rajesh T Gandhi discusses the need of new drugs.
- Carolyn Bolton Moore introcues pediadric and adolescent ART.
- Jordan E. Lake explains about the metabolic complications of HIV and HIV therapy.
See you soon, Miri