My Stay-at-Home Garden

less than 1 minute read


I love to lie on the grass outside, especially when its sunny. But since Stay-at-Home was issued, I wanted to bring some of the green into my home. I wanted something easy and sustainable, without ordering anything new, so I decided to grow my garden from food scraps. I made a quick “how to” grow your own shelter at home garden.

Getting started

  1. Make a delicious meal and save the bottoms 2 inches (5 cm) of: lettuce, celery, cabage, or onions. You can also save the top of a carrot.
  2. Place the food scraps in a dish with 1 inch (3 cm) of water. I prefer to use deep dishes in the first week, then move to shallow yougurt covers later.
  3. Change the water every few days, or as needed. For example if discolored or evaporated.

First week of lettuce growth:

Second week garden:

Four weeks garden:

See you soon, Miri